The Economic Times reported that Acme Cleantech Solutions Company, a solar developer in India, has appealed to the court to pay import duty on solar panels and components at Chennai Port.
Acme has filed a lawsuit against Chennai Customs officials in the High Court of Madras. They claimed that since September 12, the company has been asked to provide bank guarantees as import duties and temporary bonds in order to deliver goods in the port.
The tariffs on imports were due to changes in the classification of solar panels and components, shifting them from a category that does not require the levy of tariffs to a category of motors and generators, which have to pay 7.5% import duties and other fees.
According to the Economic Times, the reclassification of Chennai Customs has been adopted by some other ports, even though the new and renewable energy ministers have written to the finance department asking for the restoration of the previous classification.
It is reported that although many other companies are also affected, Acme is the only solar developer to take legal action. Most of the solar modules used in India come from abroad because of the limited manufacturing capacity in the country to provide global prices.
经济时报报道,印度太阳能开发商Acme清洁技术解决方案公司(Acme Cleantech Solutions)已向法院就支付金奈港口太阳能电池板和组件的进口关税提起申诉。