What are the PV poverty alleviation measures that poor villages and poor households can enjoy in China 2018-05-11
Policy: Increase the distributed photovoltaic power generation price to the same level as the centralized photovoltaic power generation price; Simplify the application and approval procedures of photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations; County power supply companies open green channels, and collect data from villages, villages, and villages as a unit to collect data and on-site Exploration, development of access plans, installation of electricity meters, and grid-connected procedures, such as flattening, will be implemented to achieve the implementation of villages, implement households to generate electricity as early as possible, and benefit early.

In terms of capital, Village-level Chuangfu Company was established at the village level to provide discounted loans at the county level to help poor villages to establish village collective photovoltaic power stations. Poor villages can enjoy support from some poverty alleviation funds. Poor households raise 1/3 of their own funds, and the remaining funds are provided by government support or social donations. Specially impoverished poor households can self-finance some funds through mutual assistance funds, small loans, etc. The county finance provides interest subsidies.

Operational security: the county establishes a photovoltaic poverty alleviation fund; establishes a photovoltaic-based poverty alleviation and maintenance mechanism; and purchases insurance for photovoltaic facilities for poor villages and poor households, eliminating the worries of photovoltaic power generation for later operation and maintenance.

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