How to choose solar mounting system? 2013-01-26

Solar PV installations represent a large investment for developers and owners, so it’s
important to get it right the first time. This is the reason that every Sunforson system
is individually engineered. We guarantee a rigorous structural analysis in accordance
with the IBC building code and local provisions in order to provide PV system
stakeholders the necessary security that the system will be safe for its entire lifetime.

No matter who you choose to design your system, remember that officials, developers
and owners should not hesitate to ask the racking manufacturer for detailed
calculations in addition to standard verbiage letters stating that the codes were
. After all, any failure of a system will not only result in potential loss of
property, investment, and human life, but will inevitably also taint a still young but
fast growing industry as a whole. That’s why we here at Sunforson proudly stand
behind the engineering that goes into every one of our racking and mounting systems.
There are three questions you should always ask before starting any solar installation

1.What is the application of mount system, roof or ground mounted?
The Flat roof Mount System is a non-penetrating ballasted solution for flat roofs with
a flexible design allowing for a choice of module tilts from10 to 45 degrees
For roof mounted structures, the PVsystem is generally considered a component of an
existing building. While for ground mounted structures, the PV installation itself is
considered a building. Sunforson designers look at the way wind and other
environmental loads influence the system on a case-by-case basis, taking special care
that each system is engineered to Sunforson’s high standards.

2.Which country and state is the system located in?
The wind and snow conditions vary significantly throughout the countries and regions.
Sunforson utilizes site specific engineering to ensure that structural analysis meets the
highest domestic and international standards. With over 10 years of global design and
manufacturing experience, Sunforson quality is exceeded by none.

3. How is the wind and snow pressure?
Depending on whether or not the approaching wind will encounter obstructions before
meeting the structure is a major factor on forces exerted on the system and even snow
accumulation around solar panels. An engineered system, such as the ones sold by
Sunforson, will take into account the site location in order to deliver a system that is
safe and sound over its entire lifetime.

Once these three main questions are answered, Sunforson takes the client’s design
specifications for system layout, title angle, module type and various other factors into
account. Sunforson’s engineers are able to work with clients to design a system that
can withstand extreme weather in order to minimize the impact to life and property
over the lifespan of the system.

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