ClearSky Advisors forecasts that cumulative photovoltaic capacity in
According to the research firm, a direct proposal framework for large-scale projects and net metering for distributed generation are considered to be the engines behind the anticipated growth.
Thanks to these mechanisms, over 60 firms are said to have expressed interest in establishing projects in this area, with 12 direct proposal bids having been accepted last month. The next round for proposals will be conducted in the second half of 2013.
However, ClearSky Advisors warns, "The market for solar energy in
Potentially disastrous
Overall, ClearSky Advisors stated that with a growing electricity demand of 6% per year and an increase of electricity imports,
In order to meet the rising demand, and offset dependence on imported energy, the government launched the national energy strategy in 2007 to incite the production of nuclear power and renewable energy sources.
Three years after the launch, the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Law (REEL) was passed to further encourage the development of renewable supply.