India plans to impose a 70% tax on solar cells 2018-02-28

India's General Administration of Safeguards (DGS) recommends a 70% protection tax on imported solar cells, whether assembled into modules or panels. Because of the growing number of Indian imports, and will cause or may cause serious injury to the domestic manufacturing industry.
It is reported that about 90% of India's solar cells rely on imports, mainly from China. According to the General Administration of Safeguards of India, although the domestic demand for solar cells is rapidly expanding, the market share of domestic industries is declining. From 2014 to 2015, the domestic industry has a market share of 14% and from 2017 to 2018, it dropped to 10 %. As a result, five companies under the Indian Association of Solar Equipment Manufacturers, namely Mondera Solar Co., Ltd., Indian Solar Co. Ltd., Jupiter Solar Ltd., Weber Solar Energy Systems Co., Ltd. and Helios Solar Co. Ltd. November 28, 2017 to apply. Requires protection tax on imported solar cells. In its January 5 report, the General Administration of Safeguards of India recommended a 70% protection tax and said that a public hearing will be held at an appropriate time before the final decision is taken, and the date will be announced separately.
Inspection and quarantine to remind the domestic relevant enterprises, if exports of solar cell products in India, should pay close attention to India's import of solar cell policy changes in a timely manner to deal with the measures to avoid product exports due to policy changes have been seriously affected.

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